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Alpha Awakenings Videos

Here you will find all the videos that I've created. You can also find them at my YouTube channel “Alpha Awakenings”.

What Happened To ATLANTIS & The Ancient History Of Our Planet!
In this enthralling video, we delve into the lesser-known aspects of our cosmic history, exploring ancient civilizations and interstellar conflicts that have shaped the course of humanity. From the peaceful existence of humanoid beings in the Vega area, planets Avalon and Lyra, to the sudden and devastating reptilian invasion, we uncover the dramatic and often hidden chapters of our galactic past. We journey through the Great Expansion of Lyria, the establishment of Earth's ancient holographic societies, and the intricate relationships between different cosmic races.
THE URMAH: Cosmic Space Cats From The VEGA Star System!
Embark on an extraordinary journey with us as we delve into the captivating world of the Urmah, a majestic feline-like race from the planet Avyon in the Vega star system. This video offers an in-depth exploration of the Urmah's unique blend of ancient traditions and advanced technology, shedding light on their significant role in galactic affairs. We uncover the mysteries of their home planet, their societal structures, and the advanced architectural marvels that define their civilization. From their striking physical appearance that resembles Earth's big cats to their sophisticated societal roles and governance, the Urmah stand as a testament to the diversity and complexity of life in the galaxy.
In this enlightening video, we embark on a transformative journey to explore the concept of frequency and its profound impact on our consciousness and daily life. We delve deep into how our personal energy frequency not only influences our mental and emotional states but also shapes our reality. From understanding the basics of how low frequency correlates with a decreased state of consciousness to the impacts of high frequency on our clarity and logical thinking, this video serves as an eye-opener to the invisible forces that govern our lives.
In this enlightening video, we embark on a journey through the realms of densities and dimensions, exploring a universe far more intricate than our conventional 3D world. The video begins by differentiating between 'densities' and 'dimensions,' moving away from the traditional geometric understanding of dimensions like lines, squares, and cubes, to delve into the concept of densities as frequency realms. We explore how our perception of dimensions often gets mixed up with densities, with the former being associated with physical objects and mathematical constructs, and the latter representing a spectrum of frequencies, from the familiar to the unseen.
The 3D MATRIX on Earth is a HOLOGRAPHIC Projection!
In this eye-opening video, we delve into the fascinating world of the 3D Matrix and the 5D reality, uncovering the intricate layers of our existence within the cosmos. We explore the concept of the 3D Matrix as an advanced computer program, a holographic overlay on the 5D Earth, and how our human senses are limited to perceiving only this hologram. The video takes you on a journey through the history of the Lunar Space Station, the origins of the Matrix 12,500 years ago, and the significant role of the Milky Way in the context of 5D.
The Science of CONSCIOUNESS and Stellar NAVIGATION!
This enlightening video delves into the intriguing concept that our material world is but a holographic projection, emerging from a matrix of consciousness, vibration, and energy. We explore the profound implications of living in a universe where time and space are illusions, and the true essence of our existence lies in the harmonics of the cosmos. Discover how mastering frequencies can lead to advanced interstellar travel and reshape our understanding of the physical and metaphysical realms. Join us as we navigate the symphony of existence, revealing the interconnectedness of all things and the power of consciousness in creating our reality.
In this enlightening video, we delve into the intriguing concept of the Matrix as a multidimensional construct shaping our perception of reality. We explore the programmed constraints that dictate our physical laws and sensory experiences, questioning if our reality is more malleable than we perceive. This journey takes us through the layers of the Matrix, examining our collective consciousness and the nature of individual perception. We discuss the balance between empowerment and victimhood, the significance of shared reality agreements, and the role of timekeeping devices in synchronizing our experience. The video also probes into who established the Matrix programming, integrating shadows and archons, and the original design of the Matrix based on free will and the law of attraction. We conclude with a powerful reminder of our true origins and the importance of transcending the illusion of duality to embrace our choice of physical experience.
In this eye-opening video, we delve into the intricate and often hidden world of advanced technologies and their impact on society. From the ethically dubious advancements in cloning technology, creating replicas of the rich and famous, to the enigmatic Red Queen AI's dominance over the internet and its potential extraterrestrial origins, we explore a myriad of ways in which humanity's future is being shaped. We also discuss the alarming rise of human microchipping, a tool for potential mass control disguised as convenience, and the pervasive influence of cell phone frequencies on our minds. As we navigate these complex topics, we also emphasize the power of human consciousness in shaping our destiny, urging viewers to reclaim their innate power and resist dystopian futures. Join us in this thought-provoking journey as we explore the balance between technological advancement and ethical considerations, all while seeking to awaken to a world of potential and hope.
REAL vs UNREAL People: Matrix NPCs!
In this captivating exploration of the nature of reality, consciousness, and personal identity, we delve into the profound mysteries that have intrigued humanity for centuries. Our journey takes us through the revolutionary concept of "unreal" people - sophisticated projections coexisting alongside genuine organic beings with souls. We examine the role of the observer in shaping our collective experience and the impact of our beliefs and intentions in this process. The video challenges common assumptions and invites viewers to ponder the fluidity of identity, the power of consciousness, and the enigmatic nature of relationships. We also investigate the intriguing notion of the Matrix as the underlying intelligence orchestrating our perceived reality. This thought-provoking episode encourages open and discerning minds to consider the deeper layers of existence and the true essence of what it means to be real.
In this eye-opening video, we delve deep into the unspoken truths of mainstream science, uncovering how it has become a tool for control and suppression rather than a beacon of free inquiry. We explore the stark contrast between the materialistic dogma preached by scientific institutions and the expansive realms of consciousness, spirituality, and multidimensional reality. The video sheds light on the systematic suppression of transformative discoveries, like those of Nikola Tesla, and the manipulation of scientific information to serve powerful agendas. It's a call to reclaim our intellectual sovereignty, challenge orthodox views, and embrace a broader spectrum of knowledge that transcends the narrow confines of conventional science. Join us in this daring journey beyond the conventional, into a world where science and spirituality converge, and the true potential of humanity is unlocked.
Dive into the fascinating history of the Taygetean Pleiadian civilization and their profound impact on Earth's destiny in this enlightening video. From the ancient Lyrian colony's arrival on Earth to the dramatic conflicts of the Orion Wars, we explore the intricate tapestry of events that shaped our planet's history. Uncover the mysteries of the Reptilian invasion, the enigmatic origins of the Adamic race, the rise and fall of civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria, and the crucial role of the Taygetean Pleiadians in guiding humanity towards spiritual awakening and freedom. This video offers a compelling narrative that challenges our understanding of human history, revealing a hidden past intertwined with cosmic forces and advanced civilizations. Join us on this journey through time and space, as we piece together the puzzle of our galactic heritage and the ongoing battle for Earth's future.
In this enlightening journey through the cosmos, "Unlocking the Mysteries: Pleiadian Wisdom on Densities and Consciousness," we delve into the profound messages from the Pleiadian beings of Taygeta, offering a unique perspective on our reality, history, and potential future. The video explores the intriguing concept of densities, distinguishing them from dimensions, and how these frequency realms form the fabric of our existence. We unravel the complexities of the 3D Matrix, a perceptual system designed to limit human consciousness, and explore the possibilities beyond, in the 4D and 5D realms. As we ascend to higher densities, we encounter a universe that challenges our conventional understanding and invites us to expand our consciousness, transcend limitations, and embrace the multidimensional nature of our existence. Join us on this cosmic journey towards greater understanding, empowerment, and enlightenment.
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